Servicios Assa Hidráulica - Circuito hidráulico, sistema hidráulico y mucho más!
Nuestros servicios especializados en componentes hidráulicos, electrónica Gerona, bomba hidráulica, sistema hidráulico y mucho más!
Civil work
We provide all kinds of civil works related to services and urbanization such as pavements of all kinds, sidewalks, tiles, boxes, pumping stations, purification plants, depots, etc..
Electrical installations
We provide all types of indoor or outdoor electrical installations, as well as the corresponding studies, calculations and legalizations.
Fiber optics
Ejecutamos instalaciones y canalizaciones exteriores de Fibra Optica mediante microrases, construcción de arquetas, extendida y fusionado de fibras, etc ...
Fire fighting
Our Fire Fighting service.
Gas pipeline
We provide outdoor gas pipes instalations with our own personnel and human resources.
Contact us to request a quote.
Hydraulic Installations
We provide all types of indoor or outdoor hydraulic installations, as well as the corresponding studies, calculations and legalizations.
Hydraulic Pumps
We provide new installation, repairs, maintenance or rental of hydraulic pumps and pressure groups for potable water, rainwater, sewage, fire fighting, etc...
Remote control
We offer the remote control service.
Offer sanitation services, among others.
Service EDAR
We offer the service Edar.
We work with various trenchers to execute all kind of trenches , microtrenches and minitrenches.
Truck for hydraulic installations in wells
Truck prepared for the execution of hydraulic installations in wells, repairs, gauges, etc ... Includes generator set, tower, spare material, specialized tools and everything necessary to solve all of the different problemsthat may apear.